Do you know you Rights?

 " Never regard study as a duty but as the enviable opportunity to learn to know the lebrating influence of beauty in the realm of the spirit of your own personal joy and to profit the community to which your later work belongs"----- Albert Einstein.

Your right as human is what brings you freedom and human diginity. It is a freedom of some sort that you are entitled to, no matter who you are or where you live ---  simply because you are a human being.

when you go into the street and take statistics of people who have Knowledge of their rights especially in this part of the world, the African continent, are very minute in number. They can give  series of answers when asked about their rights.

Rights are of various kinds; if a person belongs to a particular group, he or she has certain right as a member of that group. If he is a Nigerian, he has the right to vote and be voted for in an election, but he does not have the right to vote in an election that is to hold in America.

Human rights, however, is an entitlement no matter where you come from or the colour of your skin, they are yours except on special cases where these right are deprived or taken from you. such as when a crime is committed against the state or your fellow human. 

A long time ago before the second world war (world war II ), there was not anything like human rights , people lost their life's to the more powerful in the society as a result of fighting other. Men and women fought for freedoms and even when the ideal for the people to have certain freedom emerged, people also fought for it to be achieved and many lost their life's it. Only the rich benefited ; the ordinary man and woman still had no right and no protection from injuries and abuses.

it was after the world war II, one of the most terrible war in history that claimed the life of many, the leading Nations realized that the rights of all individual should be pen down in legal documents. That Documents was call "The universal Declaration of Human Right" .

This document contained the thirty rights to which all people all over the world is entitled and the first of these  is that  

" Everyone is born Free and Equal, Everyone has their own thoughts and ideas and Everyone should be treated the same way."

This document was published in 1948 by the United Nations. The United Nations begins in 1945 after the end of the World war II. It was started by the world power countries that survived the  war ; Britain, China, France, The Soviet Union ( formal  Esthern Europe and Asian countries including Russia) and The  United States of America -- for the purpose of peace in the world but today we have 193 countries who are member Nations. 

"The UN’s Membership has grown from the original 51 Member States in 1945 to the current 193 Member States.

All UN Member States are members of the General Assembly.  States are admitted to membership by a decision of the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council.".

To be continued........


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